Past Masters of The Lodge of Dawn

Lodge of Dawn crest

Below you will find a list of every Master of The Lodge of Dawn 6511 since our consecration in September 1947.

1947/48 – W Bro. Louis E. Wigoder JP, PAGDC, PPSGW *
1948/49 – W Bro. D.George Lyttleton O.B.E., PPJGW *
1949/50 – W Bro. Maurice Share PPAGDC *
1950/51 – W Bro. Arthur R Jones O.B.E. *
1951/52 – W Bro. Jack Lyons *
1952/53 – W Bro. Irvin I. Buntman PPJGD *
1953/54 – W Bro. Simon J. Lewis PPG SuptWks *
1954/55 – W Bro. Augustus Conway PPSGD *
1955/56 – W Bro. Simon Wigoder *
1956/57 – W Bro. Samuel Albaster PPSGW *
1957/58 – W Bro. Norman Silman PPJGW *
1958/59 – W Bro. Joseph A. Ogus PPJGD *
1959/60 – W Bro. Charles Landey PPGStdB *
1960/61 – W Bro. Theodore G. Vice *
1961/62 – W Bro. Louis Brown PPAGDC *
1962/63 – W Bro. Dirk Van Der Wal *
1963/64 – W Bro. Aubrey I. Share J.P. *
1964/65 – W Bro. Charles E. Goldsborough PPGReg *
1965/66 – W Bro. Peter R. Bolton *
1966/67 – W Bro. Joseph Adelman PPJGW *
1967/68 – W Bro. Sydney B. Frazer PPJGW *
1968/69 – W Bro. Jack Sochall PPJGW *
1969/70 – W Bro. Henry Shapiro PPJGW *
1970/71 – W Bro. John A. Cohen PPGStdB *
1971/72 – W Bro. David Williamson PPGStdB *
1972/73 – W Bro. Alex A. Goldberg PPSGD *
1973/74 – W Bro. Harry Brown PPJGW *
1974/75 – W Bro. H.Barry Brown PPJGW *
1975/76 – W Bro. Michael Rosenhead PPDepGSuptWks. *
1976/77 – W Bro. Maurice Tobias PPGSwdB *
1977/78 – W Bro. Maxwell Vites *
1978/79 – W Bro. Howard N. Myers PPJGW *
1979/80 – W Bro. Eric I. Frazer PPJGW *
1980/81 – W Bro. G. Brian Zimmerman *
1981/82 – W Bro. M. David Michaelson PPGSwdB *
1982/83 – W Bro. Maurice Cutler PAGDC, PPSGW *
1983/84 – W Bro. L.Casper Solomon PPGSwdB *
1984/85 – W Bro. Jeffrey H. Davis *
1985/86 – W Bro. Bernard L. Fearn PPJGW *
1986/87 – W Bro. Sidney Loofe PPSGD *
1987/88 – W Bro. J. Michael Harrison PPDepGReg *
1988/89 – W Bro. Ralph Fielding PPSGD *
1989/90 – W Bro. Martin M. Mann PPAGReg
1990/91 – W Bro. Derek Ian Rudette *
1991/92 – W Bro. Russell N. Graham PPJGW
1992/93 – W Bro. Nevil D. Tolkin PPGReg
1993/94 – W Bro. Selwyn H. Grainger PPDepGSec *
1994/95 – W Bro. John T. Lyons PPJGW
1995/96 – W Bro. Edwin H. Schiller PPSGW
1996/97 – W Bro. Howard M. Bott PPJGW
1997/98 – W Bro. Jeffrey S. Hillman PAGDC, PPSGW
1998/99 – W Bro. Geoffrey N. Caplan PPSGD
1999/00 – W Bro. Michael F. Marks PPGSuptWks
2000/01 – W Bro. Stuart H. Ross PPSGW *
2001/02 – W Bro. Alan B. Brown PPJGD *
2002/03 – W Bro. I. Jonathan Grant PPSGD
2003/04 – W Bro. Simon N. Lester PPGSwdB
2004/05 – W Bro. Gary A. Sadler PPJGD *
2005/06 – W Bro. Raymond S. Diamond PPJGW
2006/07 – W Bro. Simon M. Fellerman PJGD, PPJGW
2007/08 – W Bro. Laurence A. Flasher PPGSuptWks
2008/09 – W Bro. David B. Myers PPDepGDC
2009/10 – W Bro. Paul R. Jacobson PPDepGDC
2010/11 – W Bro. Stephen C. Brown PPDepGDC
2011/12 – W Bro. Michael N. Rose PPDepGDC
2012/13 – W Bro. Howard M. Barnett PPDepGDC
2013/14 – W Bro. Nigel Zoltie
2014/15 – W Bro. Irvin D. Babbin PPSGD
2015/16 – W Bro. Philip B. Dante ProvAGSwdB
2016/17 – W Bro. Martin J. Kaitcer
2017/18 – W Bro. Nigel J. Ziff PPGStdB
2018/19 – W Bro. Philip S. Myers
2019/2021 – W Bro. Rob Phillips
2021/22 – W Bro. Christian L. M. Higgins
2022/23 – W Bro. Philip N Fraser

* Deceased

If you would like to read more about our individual Past Masters and their time in the chair you can take a look at our series ‘Memories of a Freemason’.

If you would like to find out more about Freemasons in Leeds, would like to apply to join The Lodge of Dawn please contact us and we’ll get back to you asap.