£2000 grant for LJHA

The Lodge of Dawn has secured a grant of £2000 for the Leeds Jewish Housing Association. The grant was proposed and sponsored by The Lodge of Dawn and was donated from West Riding Masonic Charities Ltd.

Craig Simons, Operations Director at LJWA said “I wanted to thank The Lodge of Dawn most sincerely for their most generous grant of £2,000. This will go towards our PPE and consumables. It was such a great surprise to receive this grant and will make such a difference to us in these challenging times. When the pandemic commenced, we had no budget for this additional PPE and throughout the crisis our support team have been on site looking after over 300 older people. This generous contribution will ensure that we can maintain our services and continue to protect our residents and staff over the coming months.

Leeds Jewish Housing Association is a Jewish led, minority ethnic housing association, providing homes primarily for the Jewish Community. LJHA provide continued support for their tenants and make them feel safe and secure in their homes. LJHA are committed to working in, with and for local communities in North Leeds by providing affordable housing in safe and successful neighbourhoods.

More information about the Leeds Jewish Housing Association can be found at www.http://www.ljha.co.uk.

Would you like to read more about Leeds Jewish Freemasons?

Charitable giving is a key part of masonic life. You can read more about The Lodge of Dawn’s charitable activity here.

If you are a Leeds-based charity and are interested in applying for a grant, please see our simple guide here.

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