Buddy Bags Foundation £5000 grant

The Lodge of Dawn were delighted to be represented at a presentation today to ‘The Buddy Bags Foundation’. The Buddy Bags Foundation have been awarded a grant of £5,000 following a successful application PGM Fund by Area 3. These will be distributed throughout the Province.

The Buddy Bag Foundation was set up to provide children entering emergency accommodation with a buddy bag to restore a sense of safety & security in their lives. Some 48,000 kids enter emergency accommodation in this country each year.

W. Bro. Robert Phillips was in attendance with W. Bro David Brazil and Bro. Matt Thornfield of our Mother Lodge, Loyalty Lodge 5611. Claire Glenn, an Ambassador for the Foundation in Yorkshire gratefully received the donation. The four of them are pictured below on the steps of our home, Castle Grove Masonic Hall in Headingley, North Leeds.

Buddy Bear Foundation and The Lodge of Dawn, Leeds

For more information and to make a donation see the Buddy Bag Foundation.

Charitable giving is a key part of masonic life. You can read more about The Lodge of Dawn’s charitable activity here.

If you are a Leeds-based charity and are interested in applying for a grant, please see our simple guide here.

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